Saturday 9 July 2011

Creating Our Own Destiny

Some would say we are a victim of our own thoughts and actions, our thoughts shaping our Destiny good or bad.

When the pain which is our lives becomes so unbearable we are forced to look outside of ourselves for answers we are finally taking the first Baby steps on what can be a lifelong, lonely and tempestuous journey, to the realisation that in our blind desperation we were looking in the wrong place.

One would think that all the time that humanity has been on Mother Earth a fool proof set of instructions would have been formulated by now, pointing the way to lifelong Bliss.

It seems not, in fact the opposite is unfortunately the case, no ONE, clearly defined undisputed, one fit for all Philosophy, in a language of the World, is currently available, not even on Kindle.

So it is left to the individual to walk the tightrope between pain and suffering seemingly blindfolded experiencing moments of false Hope before the rope goes exceedingly slack.

Just as the punch drunk Pilgrim seems to have convinced themselves all is well it's working...well I think we all have experienced the aftermath of Spiritual nose dives, fragile Faith has a day off.

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