Sunday 7 August 2011

The Salvation Of Mankind

Divine Truth Poster
The secret to mankind's salvation and evolution lies within our own mind.

This has long been known and taught by seers and prophets through the ages.

The mind is the greatest mystery of all mysteries.
A vortex of thought and imagery played out at the behest of the ego.

Like a musician playing a great church organ, the ego plays the emotions out into the world of form, continually reproducing thought after thought, charged with the energy to shape and manipulate.

Life becomes slave to the finite senses of self worth, from the interaction and reaction with other finite minds.

The ego is always on the lookout for bench marks, coming to conclusions drawn from the past.

We need no ruler, no master, no ranting tyrant.
We have our own...
It is our finite self.

We are ruled by fear and lack.
Wanting more, bigger and better.
Told constantly by other finite minds in the form of advertising, that we somehow lack what it takes, don't measure up unless we have the latest of everything.

We have lost the 'human' touch, the compassion and empathy toward each other.

Kidded and cajoled by those whose interest it is to perpetrate this lie, we are in danger of losing our humanity. It is being watered down, diluted with each new generation.

What is the answer?

We have to take back our lives...our gift from the Supreme Being.
We have to realise our purpose on this planet...
To love and help each other and pursue our spiritual destiny.

It will not matter how many cars we had, or how many houses we owned.
The most important things are the lightness our hearts and the brightness of our spirit.

To live life following a path with the wrong road map is not only foolish...
It is extremely sad.

The salvation of mankind lies in the minds of the people of this planet.
Not in the past, not in the future...but now.

Why waste life when each moment is special?
Each moment in the now holds the potentiality of the Absolute.

Create a new life in any moment...
Change now...
Reset the mind...
And create a better world for all.

We have to find a new bench mark that is not dictated by materialistic ideals.
Peace can only come from within.

Letting others do our thinking keeps us in a constant state of turmoil.
It has never worked in the past and yet we continue to allow it to happen.

The answer is within...
We just have to reach out and the Divine will reach back.

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