Thursday 4 August 2011

The Law Of Visualisation

The Present Moment Poster
Every thought is born of the ether, in fact every thing that has existed or will exist, comes from this Divine energy.

The mind creates the moulds for the infusion of spiritual energy, be it positive or negative in its outcome, in terms of creation.

This is the dominion of self through which comes thought.

To create a positive outcome, the seed, in the form of our hopes and aspirations need to be nurtured, kept free from doubt and despondency.

To aid in this quest for a more wholesome, spiritually charged life, we may utilise the law of visualisation.

Within the mind, we hold mentally refined images of the outcome we wish to attain, making sure every last detail has been refined and enhanced.

Until the exercise has been rehearsed and practiced, there may be failure, but as the visualisation starts to become successful, as the faith in purpose grows, and becomes stronger there will be noticeable changes.

At first these changes will be subtle, growing with new found faith, bringing harmonious vibrations through the law of attraction.

Good thoughts are created into form as good actions.
With the knowledge that visualisation is the great secret of success, faith will hold the projected outcome in place in the mind, until they are created into form.

The resulting change for the better in life experience, has been brought about by the use of the will.

Holding the visualisation in the mind, supported by the faith in outcome, brings about spiritual unification with the universal mind.

What the person thinks, the person is.
To change life, we change thought.

The better the quality of visualisation, the sooner the manifestation into form.
Practice in a silent meditative state will afford the best outcome.

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