Monday 1 August 2011

A Higher Vibration

Desiderata Poster
When we live life on the higher plane, through spiritual realisation and practice, the mind in its lower finite form is drawn ever upward...
Ever expanding, obliterating the line between its self and the absolute power of creation.

Conflict realised through the lower gross forces cease to exist.

We are like a tuning fork resonating at a frequency set by our ideals.
The vibratory signature that we send out attracts likewise vibrations through the universal law of attraction.

Many believe that by sheer will power, working harder, faster, stronger; success will be guaranteed.

Unfortunately this is not the case.

When thought is attuned to the lower materialistic frequencies, friction is often a result.
Friction attracts friction.
Initially some materialistic success may be achieved but this is short lived.

In the midst of conflict, struggle, and unhappiness, the finite mind and its reliance on will, is submerged beneath waves of negativity, drawing in that which is feared and ultimately realised.

Thought is born through manifestation into the materialistic world as creation.
The solution is within...surrender.

Surrender of the finite mind or ego to the Absolute.

The growth of a plant unfolds according to the law of being, there is no interference on its part.
We unfold as a spiritual being, drawn by the same force.
To resist goes against the law of the Omnipotent.

Is it any wonder that unhappiness, strife and  misery is experienced?

It is understandable that a person living a life under the instruction of the ego, would initially find it difficult to adopt a life under the guidance of intuition.
Intuition frequently over-rules the finite decisions of reason.

When we give ourselves over to the Divine, by the act of surrender, we are placing ourselves in the light of a higher force and aligning ourselves with the soul's law of gravitation which is Love.

Life becomes easier, more peaceful, no longer drawn down into the lower frequencies.
We vibrate at a higher, purer, spiritual frequency and in so doing, attract into our lives all that is good, joyful and rewarding.

The new ideal that has been adopted receives ever unfolding spiritual energy, elevating the intellect and affording access to the knowledge of the universal mind.

All awaits the soul that turns into the light of truth.
It is there...requiring only acceptance of one's birthright.

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